Rudolph T. Reindeer

I think that I'm going to be alright. I've finally found that strong relationship with God that I have always wanted. And I have it. I think that its all that i really NEED right now. MY weekend was very well was non stop but relaxing at the same time. I can't wait to winter break but Rach and James will be at the pool a lot and Laura will be up at Laporte, so I think while Laura is gone i'll study my lil tush off. and clean my room and paint it. that'll be fun.{orange?} jk jk I think I am in a way becomming more independant. And im glad. I dont like having people around me all the time. id rather go to the bathroom by my self thank you very much. I wore flip flops today and it was snowing. They were orange is it was great. Well I think thats all for now.
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Hey guess what! We don't have practices twice a day like I thought. w00t w00t. and me and you spend some time together over xmas break cuz we haven't in a looooonnng time. LOVE YOUUUUUUUU.