I dont want a title

I don't know why but my parnets are like splurging lately. They bought me a dooney and burke bag a digital camera okay and then we bought a new flat screen tv for the family room.. we're gettin new furniture for that room moving the old ones into the basement, and throwing the crap ones away...oh and we are also throwing the ones in the living room away and gettin a new stuff to go in there too. and we're going on a cruise...not really sure where we got the money :-D but im not complaining..oh they also bought nick a MP3 player...okay anyways. Last night i spent the night at Rachaels house. It was great fun. I enjoyed it. We planned our weddings and watched 16 of the DVDs for the Gilmore Girls Season one. but guess what! Tae is going to be in my wedding. I called him last night while he was playing poker to make sure it was okay..and he said yes, he'll even kiss me. I was like Tae Na..I heart you. But yeah..went to bed and came home because rachael is going to be at church for forever on sundays..OH Joshua...if you read this Rachael and I have a great bday present for you. I got the cutest pair of heels 2day Well i gotta go do my homework xoxo kate (laura if you read this...i miss you and i needed to talk about something but as i type this i cant remember what i needed to talk about.) loveya
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i`m a bad person but i read your once saved (yes i broke in your diary and read your privite entry i`m sry its the first time i promise i woin`t do it often) but your once saved did you write that cause its really amazing lovya rachie
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIE!!! lol dunno if thats spelled right but its the thought that counts right? lol ttyl
hey i know i dont know u that well , but happy b-day....it says the mood ur in is mad, but u dont sound like it ....well ig2g ...cya