try to love again

Listening to: none
Feeling: worried
this weekend was so great i did so much and it was sooo much fun! okay on friday jamie and rach and haley came home with me on the bus and we hung out and called aaron and talked to him online and then went to steak n shake and then to claires and then to starbucks for like 3 hours then i came home and slept..saturday i went over to haleys house around noon and we play PS2 i lost of course! lol we were playing american idol and oh yea we were supposed to go bowling but we didn't instead we went to panera and jamie spilt her drink everywhereand that was funny and then she broke a sign at finish line andthen at starbucks she threw up her drink bc i made her laugh...and then in return she made me laugh and i choked and 'spit uped' too but i made it to the trash can on time !!!!ne one know um like how much 411 costs bc i used it like a b ijjilion times on rachs cell phone at first i heard that it was only like 25 cents but then i heard that it was like 1 dollar each time u call or something like that i dono but wither way i am screwed! and then we called some guy i forgot who it was and then like ra ch threw the phone to haley in who dropped the phone and brok it. when mrs. kline came to pick us up we decided that we should go ice skating on monday which i was like 'crap no' and then like we went outside of starbucks and did that one dance the one with joe or something omg it was so funny...oh i relized that i can get low when doing the cha cha slide 'how low can ya go can ya go down low.. lol yea and then we spent the night at haleys house i woke up and went to church went shopping bought this super cute outfit and then came home and watched to the colts play a horrible game! c'mon like there was 3 interceptions! and then jamie and haley and rach came over and we watched 'who wants to marry ryan banks' and then we did tae bo annd then we talked for a while and then haley kinda fell asleep and jamie rach and i were going to like draw on her face with eyeliner but then instead she woke up and got all pissed off us but before she did that i manged to write logan on jamies forehead and then he gave me a unibrow and rach and also on rach we wrote john on hers and like then haley got up and go pissed she we left the bedroom and she locked us out but it was okay bc then i drew on rachs face with markers which she couldn't get off we opened the door to the bed and decided that we shouldn't go in so we watched just married at 2 in morning and then we went in and then haley wasn't mad at us and then we went to bed around 330 and then woke up at 9 and got ready to go ice skating and then went ice skating and now im here puttin off doing my homework! okayloveyabye kae tae
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ya i know how much 411 cost cause it is on my phone bill all 18.75 of it but oh well it was really funny i lou you