Dear Gary Fan 319

Sometimes I really need to remember this thing is around to help me out.

Well, its the end of the semester and Its 3 in the morning. Im trying to finish a term paper, four pages, single spaced. Wonderful, eh. Not really. A lot has happened though.

Recently, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and its been really hard for the family. I'll spare details, but a lot of medical mistakes were made. And I wanna kill a doctor. Hopefully I never meet the son of a bitch. Everything is slightly better now though. We've all accepted it and we're trying to do our best to deal with the situation. Its hard dealing with it alone though. I'm so far away from the family that sometimes I feel like I'm not part of it. But now that the semester is coming to an end, there will be time to remedy that. Right?

Other than that, I've felt broken. Two weeks ago i had appendicitis and had to take my appendix out. An appendectomy they call it. And yeah, that was all fine and dandy. But now my tummy hurts again, and I KNOW its not my appendix, cause I don't have one. With all the troubles we've been having at the house, I decided not to tell my parents. Now I'm thinking it was a very very very bad move. Hopefully its nothing serious. Hopefully I didnt screw up. And hopefully they understand. Maybe?

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