Dear Gary Fan 271

Goal for June 8th 2010 was accomplished. Seperately though.

I did wake up early in the morning, more like three. This is a regular habit of mine, I don't know why, but it's just something about three o'clock in the morning that just intrigues me greatly. Ad after a few minutes, I usually fall asleep. But that wasn't the case for today, since the outside light kept turning on and off. I was also having some purrrdy crazy dreams. In one, some one let me borrow a razor and I cut until a steady flow was coming from my arms. Then I asked a kid if I could borrow a jacket and I told him that if I got any blood on it that I would wash it. Anyway, then I had to fight a demon, and then I woke up at eight in the morning. Just in time to say goodbye to my mommy.

Anyway, working out was a hassle. Well, not doing the excersizing or anything, but just getting out of the house. That was the hassle. In the morning I couldn't leave because I had to take care of my grandpa. And I didn't think I could get permission. Then in the afternoon, my brother was gone and I couldn't leave my grandpa alone; but then when my brother got back, he left again. Then finally when he decided to stay at the house for two or three hours (because he's watching a movie), I decided to take that time to convince my father to let me go to the gym. And OHHH MANNN, it was awesome. I was on the treadmill for twenty minutes, because I asked my dad for thirty minutes and I wanted to make sure I'd be home before then, and I walked .64 miles and burning 56 calories. Twas great. Now I feel like I could cure cancer and HIV, and I could get rid of world hunger. Obviously I can't do that at the moment, but I feel GREAT. That's basically my point.

Now I have a new addition to this goal making and accomplishing ordeal, at the end of each entry adding three impossible things.

1. Listening to your iPod while chiling on the moon. Since there's a lack of oxygen sound waves wouldn't be able to travel through the 'air'. Bummer, eh.

2. Fitting in a rabbit hole. I'm going to admit it. I'm not that small.

3. Having a hairless Big Foot. They're meant to be hairy and big. That's what makes them... well... them? But maybe one day we could groom them.

Goal for tomorrow: Satisfy three little girls with glitter.

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