Dear Kitty 103

Irritable Lies I feel bad when I lie to my mother about religion and she's been stressing it a lot this week. Also with the whole sexuality thing. It's really throwing me off. I just want to be myself infront of them, but I guess that will never happen. I always feel like I have a mask infront of them. And I can't take it off because they might run off horrified of what's really there. How pathetic is that? I'm scared to be myself infront of the people that brought me into this world. Well, it's partly their fault I'm scared because they just keep making these smart ass remarks about others. Like people that are homosexuals are all of a sudden the devils and stuff like that. It's really uncomfotable, but I just have to not and attempt to change the subject. Oh well, I only have 3 more years until I can really be myself. :)
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I would hazard to say that everyone is scared to be themselves in front of their parents at some point. The truth is hard to deal with sometimes... a lot of the time... anyway I wish you courage and wisdom.
good luck.
omg yay we're both struggling for the same thing! [religion] bc it's being a total pain in the ass for me too.