so jealous

i'm so jealous of david! i don't know what it is about him, he just draws people to himself, and everyone loves him. just look at the kid! he could probably go up to anyone, and they would just talk to him like an old buddy. he has those kinds of 'lets try it and i don't care what people will say' atitude that we all try to have...homecoming royalty, (which everyone knows he will win) soph class prez, i mean,comeon, i don't even go to his school and i know he's probably the most popular kid. (however, i hope none of this goes to his head and if it does, i will be sure to teach him a lesson that will humble him) ah well, to all you people out there that adore him, i knew him first! ha! oh by the way, does anyone know how to do header picture, or anything like that? i know where to put the link and such, but how do you get one?
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your new colors rock girlie. I know how to do pix n stuff so just IM me ~Lindz
Hadas... you goof, and don't worry, I'm sure this "David" fellow you speak of won't let it go to his head... goodnight darlin