
Feeling: active
hola amigos! jason mraz is just a fun singer and i love his songs. i love random surprises!! yesterday, i went out to get a CD case.. and i open it up... and it came with a free cd! and i was like 'o lovely, probably samples of random pre-fabricated pop groups' but NO! it had the all americn rejects and jason mraz and a bunch of other fun groups! i was so elated! i'm counting down the days till i get out of here... i can't stand my sister any more. they leave in about 12 hours. then i have the house to myself for a few hours b4 i go to my 'adopted granparents' i'll explain these adopted granparents. all of my family is in Israel. i have NO family in arizona. these people are a little older than my parents and one of them is actually named Hadas like me. theyr'e always on the emergency contact lists if i ever fill them out, and so i'm staying with them for anight till i leave. what fuN! so they are adopted. i adopted them to be my granparents! they come to all the recitals, performances, graduations etc. etc. they do the job pretty well. i really want to talk to david b4 i leave for camp.. but he's in las vegas and i don't think he really wants to talk to me. i don't blame him. i hope a lot of people write to me while i'm at camp, since my parents wont' be. they'll be hiking the inca trails in peru.. i don't think they'll have that much time. so i fyou are my friend.. and you want my address at camp.. be so kind as to IM me (same sn as here) and tell me!
Read 3 comments
Ahhh!! Jason Mraz is the shit and everyone should listen to him cuz he's the best... yesh i love him very much and i have his cd... <3, Lindsay
Oh yeah, Jason Mraz and in his music video "the remedy" he's wearing a shirt that says Arizona, is that cool, or what?
i love jason mraz too, u should get his whole cd! like all songs except like 3 are to die for. a song called "curbside prophet" is the best thing ever!