.+. Pissed

Listening to: I hate everything
Feeling: crushed
Stupid little cunts should go rot in hell. "You guys need to get out of here and go next door with the rest of the creeps" Now you can all stop saying we're gonna end up together. Cause obviously its not happening. God! I just wanna fuckin SCREAM until I pass out or cry or something. I fucking hate this. Im NOT SUPPOSED to care. I dont wanna give a fuck.. it only takes a few seconds to say hello...But it takes a lifetime to say goodbye.. Im fuckin pissed about everything right now so *in ashlees bird voice*FUCK OFF I call it Dear Tricia I hate you You're stupid and ugly I hate your eyes, your lips, your mind, your soul. Everything about you. Thats what I hate. You fucking suck. haha. that was a blast. later fuckers.
Read 4 comments
My diary did say "Addict user has no friends."
Kinda funny:-p
Now, It has you as my friend.
hey i kno i dont kno you but i wanna become friends if thats ok with you

Missi Smith(brokensoul08
Lol, I kinda like this new sn. Kyle pissed me off last night so I got a new sn and saved my old one; put it on private. did you have a note in the begining of school or you just left?
it does sort of smell like earth, but I just adore the smell before and during the rain. So fresh. it's like clean laundry or something. It's like a relief as well.
and thanks for the comment.