.+. Failure.

Listening to: Party LIke a Rockstar
Feeling: different
Failing Patience
Heh. I wanna give up.. I gave up on JC, just let go.. SO whats so different about letting go of HIM.. Can't I give up on him? Im Gonna Party like a rock star, hit a bunch of strip bars wake up naked in a hotel room Throw my TV out the window, smoke a bunch of endo Anything to get my mind off of you. Find a telephone pole to wrap around my car, and party like a rock star. Rawr..Even Ashlee said it will be awhile. Im not a patient person... besides, I think I've waited quite long enough... I will wait for you..but I can't wait forever... What do I do? It seems like it's seriously not going anywhere..and soon, it will be just like it always was.. nothing will happen and then someone will push for sumthin to happen..and we'll be together for about a week or so.. and then over with. Heh Contrary to popular belief, I'd rather be just a friend than go through that again.. Oooh What to dO?
I still wanna go swimmin!!
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that right there is deep stufff
oo i cc