
Feeling: happy
during 3rd lunch some kid drank a Gateorade bottle full of vodka..and then went to Mr.Berveridge's and threw up then passed out.. Ms.Fett and Mrs.Archy had to go down there and stuff, so we had to. It was disgusting smelling. There were like girls crying becuz the kid was passed out.. COME ON! It was his own damn fault.. Geez.
During Bowling today I gotted a turkey! I haven't gotten one in soooo long!!! I bowled a 157, 122, and 194:) WooOOOoT!
I gotta go color my poster and make the puppets and stuff Debitch me Baby;)
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Fun fun. All happy and stuffness...
Yippee Skippy...
i know fuck 'em all.