
Listening to: Addicted
Feeling: aggressive
% Tears %
Dammit..I didn't need to hear that... Tuesday I guess Stan's gram had a heart attack..and he's not here today becuz she died.. :'( It set something off in me..You know..he could be gone soon.. dammit I hate this... Trying not to cry..Hope nobody notices.
% Play Thing %
Ashlee's in ISS.. Me and Amber practiced our skit thing this morning..It was soo funny, we just kept laughing lol.. and I got my Evil duckie laugh down;) Haha
% Eric %
My day was horrible from the start..but when I got to Central I walked in and saw ERIC! I looked at him and he waved and I was like "What the fuck!?" and he said he was just visiting.. it was great to see him again, even tho I just saw him last weekend.. Yeah Im hooked now.. I dunno
% Justin %
Justins back in school today. Yay! He's unsick now:) Yay
% Bowling %
I'm hoping bowling will be fun tonight. It's our last home game of the season and it's Senior Night. It's gonna be sooo sad, cuz its like Robin and Tisha!!! Rawr and Baron! I know Carol's lookin for to it, but what Im not looking forward to is Jess. She's going..and Justin's going and I dont wanna deal w/ that today.. but oh welpz, deal with it I shall.
% Hehe %
Michelley said at lunch,"you and Eric would make a cute couple"..hehe I told her how I made him feel bad, saying that he went out with me for a week and dumped me for a he felt really bad..Hehe..but yeah, she said we'd look good together and stuff... like everybody said ALL the time last year:)
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