+Blue Eyes+

Eye Appointment
I had my eye appoointment today..there was an old man and a younger guy. The younger guy was hott. Lol I got to be in the room with him alone:) Yay. Hehe he asked me if I was wearing contacts and I told him no.. he said I have really pretty eyes, most people w/ the color I have are using contacts.. Weird:-p
Late School
We had a 2 hr delay cuz of the snow and stuff, but since my appt was at 10, I didnt get to school til like 1:15 PM.. Yay for like a 2 hr school day.. Haha it was frustrating cuz of the whole Flash exercise..ITs dumb and pointless.. Yay
Hehe I talked to him itl like 2 am..it wasnt bad, he was different last night. I liked that side of him. .Haha Yay... Now tonight he'll prolly be all clingy again.. Thats okay though cuz im goin to the movies with Ashlee anyway.. YAY
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