// Mono

Listening to: Holidae Inn - Chingy
Feeling: sinful
Hiya.. I still feel really sick today..I dunno what's wrong with me..Blech.. I got stuff to clean the sore in my mouth though..and Calamine lotion for the stupid rash on my hand.. No clue whats happenin to me, Im dying! ahhhhh
Today on the bus, stupid younger kids were being assholes.. Two kids took Zane's seat and then this stupid asshole sat with Kyle.. Anywhore, We had a fire drill.. ugh i hate those things, theyre honestly the most stupid thing in the world, honestly, if there was a fire in the bus, we wouldnt all file calmly out of the back..Kids would be jumpin outta windows and shit.. Stupid People
I'm goin to Hazleton to get my permit on Saturday..Finally. Nora wants to go with us, her daughter is supposed to be gettin her permit too... but i found out last night that she has mono.. Crazy Stuff.. They gave her an excuse to go back to school with the date blank cuz they have no clue when she can go back.. Crazy..
Walk Out
Supposedly people are supposed to be doing a walk out...becuz theyre trying to get rid of our auto-mech shop... and it's just not right, I mean they could at least let the juniors and seniors finish out their time..but they're being complete assholes about the whole thing.. There are lotsa meetings about it and our school has been on the news and in the Mess Enterprise a lot b/c of it.. I'd walk out but not if its only gonna be like 5 people haha.. theyre all gonna get in trouble and i dont think my om would be too keen on me leaving with like 4 other ppl haha.. Music Change- - Let Me Go - 3 Doors Down You love me but you dont know who I am...so let me go
Man I wonder why I feel so sick all the time lately.. Rawr.. Time to go to Ms.D's..although I didnt do the homework..Haha what a moron I am:-p Its okiez though.. Later Dudes:-p
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no they thought i did but i didnt... i had to get tests done so i stayed home yesterday because they didnt know if i had it so i had to wait for the tests to come back

hey... im sittin in world cultures... gotschal's... hes hilarious!!! lol
