Feeling: sane
It's been a litle while. It seems more like forever. I can't believe I miss it this much. Today I got asked if Utah was better than Ohio. I told myself I was going to say that it was before I moved here. I was going to try and concetrate on why Ohio was good. But without thinking I anwsered the question. It was something like "*pff*oh yeah!" And I was like...oops. And they started dicussing hickness and all this stuff. It was...interesting? I think about Logan everyday. I miss so many people. THINGS I HAVE DONE SINCE I GOT HERE 1. Went to Lake Erie 2. Had "family time" 3. Talked on DSL 4. Had my 15th b'day 5. Met a few interesting people Yup. Anyways. I guess things are okay. I should look on the bright side. At least I'm going back?? Anyways. I'll be heading out. I know I'm a whiner and no one wants to read this...okay. I miss you guys in Utah. Have I failed to mention that recently?
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i miss you sooooo much...and i miss everyone...and i want to go back with you...shucks...stupid parents...stupid moving...bye