Listening to: nothing
Feeling: annoyed
My mom gave me a time limit on the net. She even set it in!!! I only get an hour a day. She said if we are nice she will take it off. I'd hope so!!!!! I only have 46 minutes and I keep typing in clock in my search bar dealio to check how many minutes I have left. Grr. Oh well. I'll get over. I'll spend my time playing solitare instead. Or I could just get on Mark's considering he never uses it. I wonder if he got a time limit...Me and Matt did though. Oh well. Lalala. Bye bye
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That really does suck about the time limit, but maybe if your extra nice or helpful to your mom she'll take it off.
oh, i'm sorry that sucks, now we can't talk forever online! ok, i'll call ya on the weekends now