Listening to: nothing
Feeling: depressed
Psh...I woke up at 6 and I went to school. I knew I was gonna cry but I told myself not to, so I didn't. I signed lots of yearbooks. And lots of people signed mine. And some people were suprised when I said I was moving to Ohio...psh...maybe if they had listened to me. Yeah, all day I was looking for Austin so I could tell him bye. I just couldn't find him. Then Nicole and Dan showed up and they signed my yearbook. Dunno why I asked them to but oh well....And then Teresa came walking across the parking lot and I ran over and she gave me a hug and signed my yearbook. I was so happy. I love Teresa. But then I was sad. All day Christa hung out with Mike. I was really angry and wanted to tell her that I would miss her. Finally he left on the CVTD. So then it was just us. And I still wasn't crying! I was so proud of myself. Molly gave me hugs, and Kristina, and Whitney, and Christa, and Felecia, and Marisa, and everybody else...it was good. And Whitney couldn't stop crying but I still managed to not cry...not at all, sure I was on the verge but I didn't. Then Scott said it was time to go and I wanted a ride with them I decided. So I went with. As we were driving up the street I noticed two guys walking down it. It was Austin, well one of them! And I yelled at Scott to pull over please so he did. And I jumped out of the car and ran down the street towards Austin. And then I knew I was gonna cry. So I was running full speed and I started slowing down but I still hit Austin pretty hard I think....but oh well, I threw my arms around his neck and I told him I was gonna miss him so bad because I am and he told me that he was gonna miss me too and I totally lost control and was crying so hard. And he couldn't help smiling at me I guess, but he said Ohio is great and that I would have a great time there and I just said that I hated it and I didn't want to go and he just wrapped his arms around me again and gave me another hug. So we talked for like 3 more minutes and Scott started honking so I have Austin one last hug and said bye and I was still crying and he told me to be good and then we drove away....man that was sad. I promised I wouldn't cry but I knew I would eventually and almost not saying good bye to Austin was not cool. Now Christa is gone and I'm crying all over again and I don't care because there is no one here to watch me and I seriously want to just curl up in a tiny ball all by myself and go to sleep. And sleep a really long time because I'm really tired and sad. Teresa said something about going to the pool but I don't really want to now that I think about it. I mean yes I want to hang out with Teresa and Scott and Craig(if he goes)but right now I feel like hiding from the world under my sheets and not talking to anyone. Oh I don't know. I'm just sad and exhausted and missing people. I have to remember to call people this summer because I have to see them before I move and I really REALLY hope Christa does come to visit because I miss her already and she's only been gone 15 minutes.....
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