Feeling: aggravated
I hate them. I hate them I hate them I hate them. We have seven sheep. How I hate them. They will not shut up. I miss my horses!!!! I miss them SOO! Oh well. The sheep are fun to chase. I wonder what it would be like to chase them on a four wheeler or something. Mwahaha. I want to let them all go or something. Even June attacked them...and June is the best dog ever, she has never even play bitten anyone. I get to go to SummerFest tomorrow:D Yay! I'm really glad because my mom wasn't gonna let me go. She was mad...I think it was because I spent the day sitting on the futon upstairs, sitting at the computer desk, and eating popsicles. I thought they were good...Suddenly after dinner she was in a good mood though. She said I could go and took me to buy 2 pairs of pants from awesome Ross. I only spent like 15 dollars. It wasn't my money either so hey, go me! I had $25 dollars to spend too! So yay for me! I was thinking. My and Amy's plans for the year were ruined in only 6 months. No mission trip, nothing during the beginning months, no skiing or boarding together. And it's weird to think how in 6 months our friendship has changed. I think we realize how close we are now but it's also distanced some things. STUPID MOVING!!!! HOW I HATE IT TOO!!! How I miss that stupid blond girl. I love you!!!! Okay. I'll stop. Because I will list all the things I love otherwise.
Read 3 comments
i like Cake. They're a cool band

sucks when friends move. my best friend travis moved not to long ago. it really really sucks.

yeah, we have changed so much, it makes me sad, i wish i had never moved. my life wouldn't be so fucked up. i hate dave, i really do. which is so strange cuz he is like the only adult who was a really good friend, and i loved him so much, and i stood up for him. but now if i saw him i would start cussing him out. well fuck him. i can't wait till i come back to visit. that will be so great. i can't wait to get away.
love ya so much,
oh this entry has amused me so.

I love you katherine.
and what's wrong with listing things you love? In fact I am so inspired I may do so myself.