Listening to: Switchfoot(still...)
Feeling: bratty
I'm a huge brat. I realized something today. I don't want my friends to fall in love with each other because I'm selfish and hate being a third wheel. But I don't care suddenly. I love my friends loving each other. It's wonderful. I'm a selfish little brat and maybe being sent to Ohio is my punishment. Maybe it will open my eyes in some unexpected way. I would hope so...
Read 6 comments
don't worry, everyone is the same way, don't even dwell. awesome diary! stop by sometime!
you are not selfish at all....you are such a caring and loving person
lol very nice.. but y can't u hook up w/ sum1 too then u can b w/ them not b a 3rd wheel u could double date or sumtin lol
Hey, so who is falling in love???
nice diary
hmmmmm...i have the same question as liz...