Whites in the Corner of my Mouth

Feeling: blonde
Ohh so tired, worked from 4 to like 12:30PM last night. Very amusing shift though. We weren't at all busy so I got to hangout the drive through window all night. And my break was at the perfect time. There were a bunch of good shows on TV then that I got to watch. Thoroughly cleanning the bathrooms was the only thing abuot that shift which wasn't too appealing, urinals are always fun *shiver*. My cousin sparked an interest in if I was gone would the world just go on. I mean I know of course it would, but would any of my friends or family really care? I know my parents would, and my best friend but I can honestly see the rest of the world getting over it. I have a huge family. Recently one of my uncles died, and like it made me sad, but it didn't affect me as much as it should have. I only saw him like once in a while and at Christmas, and when he died I was just so in shock that I was never going to see him again. I had a dream about him last night, I do miss him, but I couldn't actually bring myself to cry when it came to the funeral. I'm weird like that I can cry over the weirdest things, but the things that are suposed to make me sa ddont make me cry. And I think that's what it would be like for my family. They know me, they talk to me, but I don't see them all that much and I talk to my cousins but aren't really to close with them, because we are such a huge family. So if I was to just up and leave, they wouldn't care. Same with friends, I mean I have like a lot of people I do stuff with at school and around town. But Kayla is really my only friend that I'm at her house 24/7 and like she knows where I am all the time. So I don't know what would happen. But maybe some day I'll find out mle
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I suppose its not. I dont know though. thanks for the consent.
your fake
Cuz im cool like that
love ya!
I hope your feet get warm.