
Feeling: blonde
Oh my god I am such an idiot! Tonight me and my friend were hanging out and then she says she has to go down the street to get something from her house. So I pretend to get my foot stuck in the stair case. She just laughs and walks out of my house. So I went up stairs to pack to go to PEI tomorrow, then I changed my close and after I see my friend walking down the street and then I go stick my foot in the stairs so she thinks that I've been there all the time she was gone. She comes in and oh my god was that I blonde moment... I had changed from Jeans into shorts! And that was so noticible, we both bursted out laughing. God I'm an idiot! Later MLE
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packing can be fun...but it's not usually fun when you have to pack up your whole life with limited
thanks =)
squee! Super Long Straw will finally make me the riches I deserve!! eh..hmm.
lol niiiiccccceeeeeee