
Feeling: blonde
Last night/early this morning was cool. I went to this thing called the Superbowl. It was a church thing, I'm not religious at all but my friend invited me. The first thing we went to was a hockey game. I like hockey somewhat so it was enjoyable. Then a guy was talking about how teens turn to drugs and sex to fill a place in there heart. That part actually made sense to me, how we are never satisfied. But then he started saying how the missing piece of our hearts will not be filled unless we let god into our heart and he was saying that we would never be happy if we didnt let god into our life. I'm not religious and not a stonner and I don't have sex to make me feel important, I am completely happy with my life the way it is right now. Im not against religion or anything though! Anyways then after this whole religious thing, they gave away prizes, of course with my luck I didn't get a single thing but it was still fun. And then by then it was 12. Then we went bowling, and that was super fun! Like it was cosmic bowl and the balls glowed in the dark! It was really fun, except that's when I met this dude, and he couldn't keep his freakin hands off me. The friend I was there with (the one I actually wanted to touch me hahaha jk) told him to go away or he would kick his ass, so he left for a while. So we bowled for 3 hours! And just before my other friend bowled he came up to me and was like "Rub my ball for good luck" Lmao it was such a funny line, that I will remember forever. Then at 3 in the morning we went to an indoor amusement park and it was really fun. I love rides that can seat only two, man its so perfect! So I enjoyed that part of the night. And then the bus ride home almost everyone was sleeping except I was talking to my friend and the time passed so fast and then we got back at 6:30 in the morning. Then I went to bed! mle
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that sounds fun cept that u didnt get nything and that guy. yeah well later byby
thanx! -Me