
Feeling: beautiful
YEAH FRIGGIN YES! I finnaly get to get these crappy hurtful dumb things off my teeth. Ive had braces for 2 and a half years now. And Ive gone through pain and had teeth pulled and gums cut open, lots of fun stuff. But finally on September 9th I get em off. I can't freaking wait. My friend has had hers on for 4 years now and shes really pissed that I get to get mine off before her... but I am so happy. Later MLE
Read 18 comments
Lucky You!! i never had to have them, thank god
that's dope i have had mine for three and a half years and i am getting off on aug. 30 so congrats
ok well then one more question, the backround picture, i tried doing that and it didnt work..
sry that last comment was from me

if you have a sn, leave it in my comments
thats so friggin confusing, do you have a sn?
if you have a sn, leave it in my comments and ill ask you over im
if you could show me how to put pics there
like the blondes do it better & the craziest one
hey how do you get all your pictures in here, leave it in my comments, if you can. Thanks!
omg yes i soo did see usher and ahh he was sooo awesome in concerttt i would go see him 743087 more times lol!
ive had mine for a year..i get them off in like three months. My cheeks got cut from the metal all yesterday. Demonic railroad tracks!
Lol, you had it easy with yours. Hell, I had 12 teeth pulled all together and that was 6 in one day. Then not to mention that I've had mine for three years already and prolly have another to go. Lucky you get yours off so soon, that wicked.

np... i have fun leavin comments.. it's what i do when i have notin better to do lol!
ahh yay. always a good day when you get your braces off.

i had mine for 3 years, total suckage.

thanks man and i hope the braces thingy goes o.k
lol i've never needed braces.. it sux that u had to have them for 2 1/2 yrs and it sux ever more that ur friend has had them for 4 yrs... that's nuts!!! i'm sorry:(... I like ur pic at the left.. the 1 that says "blondes do it better" lol it's great!
seriously i think im losing it lol im so tired man its been so long since i stood up this long... i cant go to sleep ppl are bored and i must help them cause there in need. to the rescue
hey whats up? im fuckin boreed as hell..