Video Dance

Feeling: bittersweet
Can't wait until this Friday because its the Video Dance and of all the dances the Video dance is the best. And a dance means parties before and after so hell yeah!!! And where it's the end of the year the grade 8s will be at this one because there coming to the High School next year but that's okay because there's plenty of hot guys!!!! Anyway Im going to bed. Later all, MLE
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sup sk8r?

ummmmmm...whats the difference between a video dance and a normal dance!!!....we dont have dances over here :(
i joined 5 days after you and you have twice as many comments as me!!!!! :( ...jealousy is not the proper heya and be free little bea
Hey, all i wanted to say if that, the poem u got there called "the skater girl" its really sweet. I love it! Btw you skateboard? thats neat stuff!