This Sucks

Feeling: bored
So I'm pretty bored right now. Tonight I blew off going to the movies because I was going to this university play thingy with my good friend Jessica. Then a half an hour before the play Jessica calls me and says she can't make it. So now I have missed the movie and Im way too late for the play and I would have to go alone. So I'm sort of pissed, not at Jessica, just in general, I miss Mike. Yesterday on the other hand was completely perfect. I spent the day with Michael and he was being extra romantic and shit like that, it was soooo nice. I've decided I'm going to start writing in a note book. Like take it everywhere with me and write shit. I saw my old principal doing that and we all thought it was creepy how where ever she went she had that note book but that would be cool to read it later I dont know. Ive got a basketball game tomorrow... I miss basketball but I really like just screwing around with people, not actually playing competively, thats why I'm glad its over soon. Anyways later mle
Read 4 comments
Or its just "yeah thats Lauren for yaz!" haha I like your diary, very... like, retro? im not really sure what retro is... but cool diary, haha. And yes, blondes do do it better. :)
i wish i was as hyper as i was five minutes ago :)
haha i know it was cool =)
Thanks for the comment. Your journals rather grand, too. lol And you seem to have an awesome taste in music.