Million Miles Away.

Sunday. It's my least favourite day of the week. My face probably resembles that of someone who has just drunk sour milk. I hope I don't start making this a habit. I can be really bitchy when I want to be and it's not like Sunday lasts for a few hours and then Monday begins. 24hours can certainly be deadly. This is why I think I'm just going to stay locked in my room today. I want to keep my curtains closed because the sunlight blinds me and makes me see random blobs. Why did I choose the sunroom? Autozamm. I wish I had someone to go with. I can't believe that after I said that Brendon had to come with me, he told me he wasn't. I should just blow off his phone call and go. Maybe I'll do what I want. I am too considerate and I think of others too much. I think of others who don't think about me. How hurt I might be by their decisions and actions. Last night I talked to Rob's girlfriend, Danni. It was weird for me to talk to my close friends girlfriend for the first time and have her be okay with things. Namely, me being a girl. I guess the situation is different. We're millions of miles away. Our song. Just to get back By his side is all, All I need to be.. I know I'm the complete opposite. I get angry and I get suspicious and clingy. But after all that has happened, I don't see the harm in that. After all, Danni was Rob's best friend before they got together. I think I have reason enough to be the way I am. Maybe I just need to find something worthwhile for my Sunday. I dunno, I could take up Pilates, or something. Heh. This entry hasn't been very nice, now that I think of it.
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'Its closer than you think' sounds scary and intimidating. =p What do you mean? oO;
I know what you mean about hating Sunday. I work all day Sunday in the bar at work and it sucks. =( Getting hit on by drunken guys is not my idea of a good day.
Take up yoga or something. Yoga is relaxing and nice and you can do cool things like put your leg over your head. xD