Just a poor, little, rich girl

I was the first person he thought of and tried to call when he was 'having a dilemma'. He didn't know how to organise his room and thought his mother knew shit and I knew how it should be. It made me smile. I thought he'd called because something was wrong. It's nice to know that after rushing to the phone, calling him and waiting for the problem, it was only about furniture. I love Interior Design. I'm going to be there Full stop
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hey kid...you know i'm still wainting for that email off you. i want you to get on msn sumtime so we can have a good talk. i think...and for the first time in my life i mite be right, but i think that we are drifting apart. i don't want that happening chief.
I'm in the middle of sending you an e-mail, love ♥
Dancing is lovely. I can move my hips the right way but they tend to dislocate. I'm a silly weak person. =P And thats -all- I can really do.
I'm sorry you can't dance anymore. =(