feeling like i do

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Feeling: abandoned
so, yes, i do feel abandoned, given the fact i haven't updated since god knows how long ago doens't help much either. old feelings about my old friends are stirring and punching at the inside of my head. a lot of people don't know the reason why nick, dan, and i aren't so close anymore. then again, no one asked, oh well. hence my feeling of abandonment...is that a word, oh well. i'm finally back from work for the summer. it was a long 6 weeks, but i survived somehow. i've been with my lovely lady for over a year now, it feels wonderful. but i'd still like to hear from the friends i thought i had. let me know you're out there...please. -adam
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HEY! I MISSED YOU, YA DOUCHE BAG!! HAHA! How was your summer? How are you and Jessi? Wondrous, I hope! Man, I tried calling you, but it was BUSY as usual, prob'ly talking to "yo' woman"! Lol, anyhow, I will talk to you when school starts. LATER