Too Easy?

My step-mom, lord bless her, has a lot of guy advice and opinions. One of the thing I have heard a lot from her over the years is, "If he's interested in you he won't let anything get in his way and he will do everything in his power to make it happen." I would hear this speach whenever she felt I was being too accomodating.

Brian, aka Mr Vegas, made his second trip out here over the weekend. He lives in a very interesting city but he has flown out to visit me in this borning town twice. I suppose he's done this because he's interested and he's going to do everything in his power to make it happen hahaha.

When we were planning what to do for this trip which was over a long weekend instead of just basically 48 hours like the first one he was coming in for three full days and four nights so I suggested we head to the California Coast thinking I didn't want him to somehow waste a trip in my local area again. He really hemmed and hawed and was non-commital to that idea which was odd to me. He held it in till breakfast the first morning that he wanted to take me to Hawaii in a month so he didn't really want to go to the beach this trip- especially considering its not tropical.

Honestly I was so shocked I didn't give a very impressive response. I'm still kind of speechless about it... with my silence he just starts explaining how he wanted to go on a trip for his birthday which is Dec 13 and he thought someplace tropical would be awesome and I don't have a passport so Cabo is out but he's never been to Hawaii and I've never been to Hawaii and he can't think of anyone he'd rather take and sit on the beach with.

At our last dinner I let a sad expression slip and he cought it... I said I was just sad he was leaving in the morning. He agreed and said he was too but to look on the bright side- with this time of year being so busy it won't feel as long as the last few months did and then we'll be in Hawaii for a week together. After that, he said we'll probably see each other 2 times a month how he is figuring it.

Then he said about the sweetest thing, he said I know long distance isn't ideal and it's hard and maybe it won't work out we don't know but I know I want to keep seeing you and spending time with you so I'm just not ready to accept something else.

He really is making something that seems like it should be hard, easy. I get anxious traveling and I guess there is a bit of that still bouncing around at the thought of this trip but he asked an no other answer but Yes, made sense.

... addendum added hours later....

He sent me the reservations and tickets and all that... He just spent more than I make in a month on this trip... People do less than this for a honeymoon... And even with it being so expensive, he got it for much less than 1/2 the regular price so he's great at getting a good deal as well but that means I'm going on a trip that costs more than double what I make in a month. And here I was back in the spring thinking I was killing it with three nights at the Madonna lol.

Read 1 comments
Wow, that sounds so warm and good. I'm really happy for you. Keep on that Brian, he seems to make it right for you! And it sounds like he's right for you!

-be well