yes another one

||[PeRsOnAl]|| [Do you like your name]: it gravy [Named after anyone]: uh no [Do you wish on stars]: fuck that gay shit [Piercings (want/have)]:1 industrial 2 ear 1 eyebrow ear is 10 industrial 14 eyebrow 14 [Tattoos (want/have)]: want melissa name on my dick and some kick ass design on my arm [Role model]: metallica my brother kyle [Do looks matter]: yes/no [Do you like your handwritting]: &#^$&*#& huh? [Liked someone you have no chance with]: yea this chick in my 9th grade ELA class.... but i would never be the same wihout my love melissa [Ever cried over the opposite sex]: melissa... [the same sex]: WHATS THATS SUSPOSTA MEEN IM NOT GAY IF THATS WHAT!! well yeah when kyle was talking about killing himself because of kattie i dident cry BUT VERY UPSET [Do you have a type of person you go for]: emo chicks short chicks big B cup boobs and nice not big ass [does it ever work out]: it never did untill i met my true love melissa [Bad habits]: jellous of other guys angered easly dont like change [When did you cry last]: the fuck if i kno [#1 priority in life]: Melissa DUH [Ever lied to your best friends]: chh no [Do you like your nose]: needs piercings [Lied on a dumb quiz]: no [Wanted revenge on someone who hurt you]:i will get my revenge [Dump or be dumped]: dumped........ [Relatioship or hookup]: realsonship with melissa [What age did you find out Santa Clause wasn't real]: 6 [Want someone you don't have right now]: chh no i love melissa to death [Ever liked your best friend]: nope [Marrige]:= melissa [Pitter patter of little feet]: sure babys are fun i want 2 kids [How do you release anger]: hit walls throw things curse wish death [Something you want to understand better]:why melissa loves me so much and why i dident meet her sooner [Favourite part of your physical appearance]: my eyes are hot says that gay guy and every fucking chick at school....... [Do you think you can draw well]:is a non stright line good [Ever happy]: when im with melissa [What do you want to change]: my anger my doubt on true love [Deathly afraid of]: IRS DEBT TAXES LOSSING MELISSA [Believe in forgiveness]: fuck'em [Abortion]: sure and nah rape yea unwayed nahhhh [Gay Marrige]:IM NOT GAY STOP THINKING I AM [Where is your second home]: mikes house and melissa house ||[HaVe YoU]|| [Been dropped on your head]: maiybee tadts y eyem soe meaced yup [Been rejected]: many many many many times [does it still burn?]: uh huh well yea mostly no [Been in love]: yes [Used someone]: no [Used multiple people at once]: no [Been used]: nope i catch on [Done something you regret]: nope [Ever told a secret you swore not to tell]: yes [Ever mis-used a word and it sounded absolutely stupid]: i cant think of any but its funny as shit [Been in a car accident]: yup [Wisdom teeth]: god no PLEASE NO ||[LaSt PeRsOn ...]|| [You talked to]: melissa [You Instant Messaged]: melissa [You yelled at]: my mom [You laughed with]: geoff [Who broke your heart]:jen [Told you loved]: ashley ehhh melissa ||[Do YoU]|| [Colour your hair]: black [Have a significant other]: mmm i love melissa [Own a webcam]: did then i jized in it and it broke [Own a thong]:IM NOT GGGAAAYYY [Lie]: yes [Ever get off the damn computer]: for melissa [Forget]: yes [Want to forget but cant]: no [Own a lot of shoes]: 1 pair [Write really bad poetry]: thats all i write [Snore]: idonno [Lick stamps]: no.. EMAIL [Use an electric can opener]: yep [Think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow]: no [Trust easily]: nope ||[HaVe YoU//Do YoU//ArE YoU]|| [Stolen]:yes [Smoked]: yes [Obsessive]: yes [Compulsive]: yes [Obsessive compulsive]: yes [Panic]: YES [Ridden in a hot air ballon]: yes it was scary [Fear authority]: nope im in there enough [Anxiety]: TOO MUCH [Depressed]: no [Suicidal]: no [Trendy]: dickies music tee [Have a journal]: yeah [Use sarcasm]: . THATS ALL I KNOW [Trustworthy]:hell yea [Nickname]: catflinger justine fat boy [Going to college/university]: yes out of delaware [A Daredevil]: mmm danger [Ever been to another country]: no [Obsessed with hate]: HATE HATE HATE HATE [Strong]: emtionally FUCK YES physicaly nooo [Dream of mutilated bodies, blood death and gore]: my good dreams.... [Ouiji board]: EVIL FUN WEEEEE [Loyal]: yes [Like emo]: mmm emo chicks [Been on TV]: yes for when i was arested for terroristic threating
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