mmm whole non sexual day with melissa

ok ok ok i know i need to update more. so STFU ok ok well today at 2:10 PM i set ANOTHER toster oven on fire.... yeah ive got the gift of burning thoes things down i guess so i put the fire out with the cats be bad no more squirt(sp?) bottle... yea went out safe to live another day.... well back to teh reason i wanted to update yester day i was with melissa from 12-9 pm i loved it it was are happyest non justin anger day in a long time! im kinda happy with myself for not get explosive anger YAY! so i got this thing i love from melissa she made a drew me something i lov it sooo much it makes all my gifts i gave her SEEM LIKE CRAP the poem she wrote brought a tear to my eye it made me so happy then she made a macaroni(SP??!!!!!) neckless I LOVE IT i was going to were it but melissa dident want me to break it.... tear tear and this awesome neckless with this awesome charm i love it all and this awesome 3 headed dragon im making a small shelf for it on the wall of melissa memories :) but for now its on top of my tv with double sided tape :) :) :) :) then her mom got me adidas coloughen( WOW WAY OFF SP?) AND THE STUFFED ANIMAL MY SECOND FAVORITE ok well i love kissing melissa i havent kissed her like i did last night in like forever i miss her well ima gona go miss melissa... :( I LOVE YOU MELISSA!
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