yeah music and the internet can have her

Listening to: six reet under UGLY
Feeling: abandoned
yeah i get tired of ppl bitching about the music listen to "ohh its so devilish omg you emo person omg omg omg omg OMGGGGGGGG OOOMMMMGGG oh god i thought you dident like that type of music omg justin you not the same i thought you listend to death and modren music only NO YOU STUPID FUCKERS om i hate that song blah blah well guess what ppl the only music i btich about is that nigger shit so stfu im gona slit your fucking throwts and then cry for you becuse im just such a confused lable of emoisem and metalness so fuck you all fuck lables fuck the music IM SUSPOST to listen to fuck you fucking fuckers and if your laughing at this entry i hope you choke on razorblades AND DIE!!!!!
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