The superiority complex

Why is it, that ALL infantryman I have come into contact with, have the superiority complex and think they are better then the irreplaceable signaleer?

I'll tell you why, because since they are trained to fight and are always in need (who doesn't need easily replaceable front line infantryman?), they think they are the hottest shit on the playground, but I just find it funny, because I do more then an entire platoon combined (not counting menial labor).

I have been sent to multiple sites and FOBs, why? To fix shit, that everybody else cannot fix. I have more training then most infantryman have college schooling, and yet they still think they are better? I can do the same job as them, I can shoot better then most of them, I can run just as fast and long as them, I can ruck march just as far (and in some cases further then some, pretty sad) and I can fight, shooting and hand to hand, better then a lot of them.

The more and more I think about it, it seems like that I was a born problem solver.
I solve everyone's problems, they're rocketing us? Oh fuck no, I'll shoot em in the face.
Radio's down? No sweat, I'll fix that shit.
You're computer is fucked up? I got you.
You need another rifle on the convoy? I'm in, boom boom I move and kill just as efficiently as an infantryman.

I find it sad that I can do an infantryman's job just as well as the infantryman themselves.

So why, I ask, the superiority complex?

It's all they got, to feel important, because the fact is, they are replaceable, expendable assets.

Everyone in the military is expendable, but some, like the everyday commo guy, is worth 10 infantryman.

Why is it that the Ranger Batts constantly are asking for commo guys, as early as basic, but never ask for infantry?

I don't hate them, just don't see a point for them. Why have 50 people they all do the same job, when you have 50 people who all do different things that can do the exact same job as an infantry, as well as their own job?

The military baffles me, but doesn't matter, I know I can hold my own, and the job of a rifleman, because I've done both, and done em both well.

Superiority complex? The more I'm around them it feels more to me like an inferiority complex, because they are obsolete.

But I'm happy, I don't have to pull guard or anything, that's for the grunts, so seeing as how we don't have to do that shit, tells me that we are more important then to be put on the menial tasks, and it's true, oh it is so funny.

I can see why people stay infantry though.

The adrenaline, the fear, the chance of success, the unknown, and wanting to completely beat out he other guy, causing as much death and destruction as humanly possible, while still coming out on top unscathed, there's no feeling in the world like it, knowing that hes dead, and you're not. It's like the dark, you can either be afraid of it and quiver like a pussy, or stand up and charge right through it, if you get hit, you get hit, I've seen it, I've heard it, all you can do if it happens to someone is look over, say, man, that really sucks, and keep going.

Oh what a life we lead.

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