
So, I ran today, and I timed myself, I can run 2 miles in under 15 minutes wooo!

Not really that big of an accomplishment since I use to be able to run 3 miles in under 17 minutes, but I'm working on it.

Something that is bugging me that I can't figure out, I keep having 2 dreams, they're different from each other but I constantly keep having them and I can't figure out why, oh well.

I'm not really feeling too good right now, about anything really, but oh well, it's just how it is right now, only a few things could fix it but I don't see any of them happening within this week anyways, so I'll just relax I suppose, was trying to get this entry to be a happy one, but lately it just seems that I can't steer away from sounding needy and emo, thats how I feel I'm being anyways, and I just can't seem to turn off my brain or keep my mouth shut, but I have gotten to stop thinking about anything, so thats a start.

I really hope I stop doubting myself, and other things as well, and that they fade away, soon.

Occam's Razor- The simpliest, most obvious answer is usually the correct one

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