my day shopping with my mum

Listening to: spirit!
Feeling: adventurous
TODAY was so, fun, fun! and i went to ya didn't have a whole lot she was shopping for so she had money to do whatever with....SOOOO...hee hee hee... FIRST!!! we went and had lunch at Jonny was ok....i really liked the decor and the way they put a happy face on the little ketchup platter they give you for your fries....i didn't really like the was, well, maybe just cuz i never eat when i go shopping and it was different, and plus that guy kept looking at i played with my food....and made my ketchup platter a girl...hee hee hee....i ate some of the hamburger but then just ate the top bun and the tomatoe....i'm a little weird i guess....i'll admit that.... NEXT!!! we went and saw spiderman, for the first time; me, for the second time...there was this guy who came in with his little brothers and there was a preview for Catwoman....after the preview he goes "MAN! THAT WAS HOT!!!" naturally i busted up laughing and mom just held hers in....well, when the movie got started and they showed spiderman w/o his shirt i'm like "MAN! THAT WAS HOT!!!" mom hits me and starts busting up, while that guy sitting down two more rows from us turned around....i didn't noticed but mom did....after the movie he kept looking at me....maybe he was glaring....i don't care... THEN!!!....we went to the mall....walked in Old Navy and it took me like 5 minutes to find a pair of jeans that make me look OH SO bootylicious! *rolls eyes*....then we got back in the car and went to Costco and got gas... THEN!!!...we went to wal-mart...i got a belt, undies, and bras.....and some binders....they're really neat they have stars and flower shapes cut out....any ways i like them.... THEN!!!...we went to Trader Joes....and got some chocolate soy milk for april, and some of those yummy Potpouri chips that lasted about five minutes.....we got some Organic Orange Mango Soda.....and....hmm...oh yeah.....then we got the the register....ok they name the registers after places! they even have "The Mighty Kern River" (where WE live)...ok, we get to the register and the guy goes "hi how are you guys today?" i'm said VERY QUIETLY "fine"....cuz ya know....ok if you know me! i talk to you!....but i wont really if i don't know you...i'll just talk really quietly....i don't know why....ANY WAYS! he asks my mother "is she always this quiet?" mom goes "no, actually you can never get her to shut up! she's always talking!"....later in the parking lot: me:"why'd he ask that?" mom:"he was flirting with you!" me: "was he?!" mom: "yes! can't you tell when a guy is flirting with you!?" me: "no" mom: "if grandma was with me do you think he would have asked me if she was 'always' that quiet" me: "hmmm, i guess not..." THEN!!! we went to Food Max, and these like little 13 year old lookin' girls MADE FUN OF ME!!! OF ME!!! ME!!! ME!!! WTF!?....they go "look at her Shirley Temple hair....what is she trying to recapture her youth or something!?".....ok, mom said i look much older, but PLEASE!!! "RECAPTURE MY YOUTH???!!!" (excuse me! my curls are ALL NATURAL BABY!!!) i told mom never to buy me a gun.....she suggested i should get a whip...that wouldn't put me in jail and cause permanent damage....then i tols her that if i had to go through a bag-check for whatever reason people would be like "ya kinky freak!" anyways...then we came home and here i very eventful day.....but i swear! i'm so not that hot! not for people to be staring and it is a LITTLE emberrassing when your mother is the one to point it is somewhat encouraging....but i will NEVER look like, well, what i think is i need sleep so yeah.... ~she got some honeydue and some spicey canteloupe chapsticks!~ -pearl-
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