
Feeling: bleh
today is a pretty boring day. it didn't snow here last night. only in the mountains near us but not at my house....if it did i would be outside playing in the snow. my throat hurts. my dad is trying to sleep and there is this guy on a motor scooter going up and down the street...i think i will go tell him off... mom is a cranky poop head. i'm mad at her. she hit me with a brush really hard so i took it from her and hit her back. then she got all butthurt and went to her room. well she deserves it! she's been picking on dad lately for things she thinks he does in her mind... i think she is going crazy...oh well. i only have like 2 years left here so whatever.
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Hey Hey Pearl long time no talk! Hope u had a great Christmas! Mine was quiet just how I like it lol. Well u say ur mom is crazy hmm who's mom isn't mine is sometimes. So anything else new? I have lots of new things. Happy New Years bring on 04 cuz that's my year. Later Ryan