He's not so Bad

Feeling: angry
*Got this from Leslie! I hope you don't mind Leslie! :) I wouldn't mind this guy..other than the indie rock thing! lol But hey, we're all different!*
Your perfect significant other.
Favourite Color
Name: Sy
Sense of fashion: Popped collar abercrombie shirt, jeans, nice shoes.
Hair style/color: Shaggy, black, well maintained, his hair is part of his great appearance.
Music taste: Indie, pop-punk, some soft rock.
Where you can find him on a Saturday morning: Doing his hair in front of the mirror, thinking of where he's going to take you tonight.
The cutest thing he's ever done for you: Took you to a bridge above a river and paid his friends to shoot fireworks, each representing a week of your relationship.
This QuickKwiz by ____a_fire_inside - Taken 3064 Times.
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Read 4 comments
hey thanks for helping me w/ my music problem..LOL..i really appreciate it..now I just have to find the song I want..I fou nd one but they didnt have it on the website i went to....o well..talk to you soon....Thanks a bunch.. ;)..Tara
grr of course i mind that u took the same quiz...shame on you molly! haha JK!! lol we got like almost the same guy! haha
sy?.. hmm thats different! lol
What's wrong with indie rock? Just because you haven't heard it doesn't mean it's not good.