
Feeling: addicted
Ok, so I'm like addicted/obesessed to Bug Juice. I just wish it wasn't 6 years old. It started in 1998. I love this show for some reason. Watching people go to camp makes me want to go to camp. I don't really like camp. I went to Camp Gravatt for 2 years in a row with Amye, but last year we had it and I didn't want to go back. Now that I see this show, I want to go to camp!!!! :( --------------------------------------------- Congrats to Lori!! She's now an aunt!! Woo hoo!! *toots baby horn* lol Yay for Lori! -------------------------------------------- I got back from Atlanta this afternoon. We went to the Brave's game last night and they won! yay! This morning we went to the coke factory and that was really cool! I tasted all these different types of coke from around the world. It was different tasting! I had fun though. Well, I'm gonna go! later!
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