My Way

Listening to: road rules-mtv
Feeling: old
It's been a while since I've written in a while. Sorry it's been so long. On Sunday night, Amye Kate came over and stayed with me until today. She left to go to Atlanta this afternoon because her school starts Monday. On Monday night, I went with Amye Kate, Meg, Leslie, Meg, Niki, Ashlee, Patrick, Sarah, Kelley, and Sarah's boyfriend to Friday's for dinner and then everyone except sarah and her boyfriend all went to see the movie called "The Village." It was really bad. Not good at all... On Tuesday Me and Amye Kate went down to the vista with our mom's and Liana to get Amye's new bedspread thingy. That night Meg came over and me, Amye, and Meg watched "The Shining." It was creepy. I didn't really like it. Today Amye Kate left which was really sad. I hated to see her leave. I was really really sad. Tonight I went over to Meg's house with Calle, Leslie, Brendan, Patrick, Drew, and Jones. It went well. I was thinking about who I liked all during this week. I am so happy cause I get to see him on Saturday too. I haven't seen him in such a long time but I've been talking to him so I'm glad I'll see him there!! Yay I'm excited to see Corey!! lol So anyways.... Me and Calle had a good talk tonight about what we want to happen this year. I'm not all going to write it here, but I just ahh i don't know. I don't want to write it on here. I don't like who I used to like anymore. I barely even liked him... it was like for maybe two days or something. Oh well. It's over and I'm over him. I go to the dentist tomorrow and I'm scared out of my mind lol. Well, I'm gonna go now... later! **He means so much to me i just wish he knew because when im around him the skys a different blue and when he talks to me my knees begin to shake the last thing i want is another heartbreak if he would love me like i do i could tell him that i will always be true but when i try to talk i just dont know what to say because i know he doesnt feel the same way**
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