Entry #169.."Third Leg"

Feeling: down
I just read a reply from Kay. I know she's looking out for me and her sister. I just wish I knew what to do. I was prepared for what she had said a month ago, but now? I don't know. It made me wonder why I am pictured as the bad guy in the wonderful story of "Matt and Meghan". I have tried thousands of times to disappear from this story, but it isn't happening. I made a rule to hopefully help things out. It was for Matt to check with Meghan on any time that the two of us hung out together and to make sure she was okay with it. I haven't asked if she would want to go only for one reason. The last time it was more than just Matt and me, Kay and I got ignored while the other two were "all over each other". I also want to know why our single big fight made such a big deal to Meghan. It wasn't even a fight. Matt had hit a nerve that wasn't ready to be hit and I lost it. It didn't get angry, I got hurt, mentally shaken for a couple days to be exact. I just wonder why our little "fight" had to be told to her. I understand they want an honest relationship, but does that have to include knowing everything about friendships going on? I don't believe it does, but I am the one with no power to this. Whatever the two decide, I abide by. I don't even ask about their relationship, but I get told and I help him out when he confides in me. That is all I do. I don't want to see him get hurt, don't want to see this relationship end. He told me he would be through with love and I don't want to believe it but I know it's true. He's lost enough times that he doesn't need to lose this anymore. I just wanted to help him through the rough patches but apparently helping my friend is too much involvement so I will withdraw and let them decide where I stand in their story. -Kat- If being free's worth what You leave behind And if it's too late To change your mind Then it's goodbye time
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Just tell him to stop talking to you and talk to my damn sister. That's what you need to do. That's what I would do...and it's my sister!