Entry #4....Still Sick

Feeling: blah
I did get a good night sleep last night, but only because I took some heavy duty medicine. Now I'm just coughing my lungs up and boy does my throat hurt. I just had it healed when I got the cough yesterday and now I'm coughing like crazy. Brrr....cold. I think I'm going to go put on my running pants instead of wearing shorts. I don't know why it's so cold in here. It's nice outside. I'm soooo bored too. I could've gone to school, but I feel like crap or rather my name. I hope we don't have much homework or I'll be screwed. I've missed one class from Friday and then today. Not to mention all the classes I'm missing with my AP testing. Oh well.
Read 13 comments
bird shit thats not true
That is a colorful name... I agree with him. You're not your namesake.
wait is that what is holdin it together?
there goes a lung......
please please get better....this is so boring already....but johnson building a trebuchet!!!~cool
a seesaw with a weight on one side to launch things....
??? hes johnson....
nope he didnt finish it
yeah lol.....get ur haley
lol....your free?
she passed out at school....after the blood drive
lol.....she gave blood then she passed out later due to blood loss.....from the giving of blood