17. Cookies for Robbie

Feeling: stubborn
Not much to write up now. It's 2:18am, and I am finishing up some stupid homework which is due in 7 hours or so. (If i don't finish in time, I'll get kicked out of my courses *_* )Yet here I am updating, when there is nothing to update about, really. Hmm, oh yeah, made cookies today. Chocolate chip...I'd send some over to you Rob, but my brothers ate about half of them,(they were supposed to be for Eid) and yeah...hmm...if you're nice I may bake you some another time:P (only if you're nice though, which isn't a big possibility, so no worries here ^_^ ) Did I mention I'm screwed? (work-wise that is). If not, well now you know. I AM SO FUCKIN SCREWED (aww, and I thought there wouldn't be any swearing in this entry..oh well) ok, I should focus...back to work -_- Night
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Good luck on your work, hopefully you manage it in time

lol, i'm used to moving furniture, my friend moved four times in one year, two th next, and i helped every time.

Thank you :)i hope i do well, and i appreciate the encouragement :) i'll tell you how it went. :)

oh! you asked what D&D was. its Dungeons and Dragons, a pen and paper roleplaying game. I love it :) its like writing a story, except there are more then one person participating, there are rules, and you have to follow what the Dungeon Master says (more or less the same as rules, but can variate).
mm... your right. well, i hop on the bus in a half hour, so... er... express mail lol :)
curently, i live in Michigan, in the U.S. eventualy i do plan on leaving though :)how about you? i think i may be able to snake a few bataries from the t.v. remote.

that could take a bit lol. i'll stick with stealing the battaries

:) i've never been to Canada, even though its not that far away. is i nice up there?

ugh, i'll see you later. i have to finish getting ready for shool (sigh, my senior project isent till 5:15, but i have to work today. i'm using my break as the presentation lol) talk to you later :)