8. Random Rant

Feeling: enlightened
"*k, this was written two nights ago, just forgot to post it* haha, yes I write it first in word, then post it.loser, eh:P? well fuck ya too* ok, my brother just walks in here and is like ‘what u doing’ ‘nothing get the fuck out’ ‘you’re not doing school work, are you’ ‘fuck you’ ‘haha im telling’ ‘ok, fuck you’ anywayz, heres my 5:00am rant form two nights ago when I couldn’t get any sleep: Holy fuck of a thousand fucks (my expression btw, use it and I’ll sue…) I can’t go to sleep. Like I’m so fuckin tired, but can’t sleep at all. I feel like I’m going to barf any second now, even though I didn’t eat anything. Not to mention the stupid pain in my chest. Argh… I told mom about it, she told dad and he’s like ‘what’s it from’ me: ‘you’ haha, I am not making any sense right now. I love it and hate it when I don’t make sense. Haha I love that song ‘hate it or love it’ lmao… So yeah, I don’t get why some females choose not to wear bras. I mean, ok its your choice and whatnot, but seriously if you aren’t going to, do us all a huge favor and don’t go out. Like is it that hard? Seriously…is it that fuckin hard. I rather see a boobless woman any day rather than a boobful one who just wiggles and jiggles as she walks. Like eww, wtf, what pervert thought of that in the first place? Huh? *cough* Madonna *cough* you may like feeling ‘free’ but trust me, hun, no one, I repeat NO ONE likes to be degraded and subjected to such cruel torture. Ok I just had a thought. I like talking a lot (as you can probably tell), is there like a job or career I could make out of talking? Or like writing shit that doesn’t make sense just so that people can laugh? Oh yeah, never mind there is already a job like that. It’s called politics. Yeah, so my stupid spellcheck is like putting a million red lines; about one every third word or so, just because it doesn’t recognize the language. Like he-l-lo fucktard who made spellcheck on windows, learn the fuckin language!! ‘lmao IS a real word. Argh, huh, eww, and wtf are also real words. And just to prove it, I added them right now. HA, in your face loser!!! On another more pleasant note, my fucked up computer keeps freezing right in the middle of important conversations. Godd, how annoying is that? We’re talking about something serious, and then all of a sudden *blue screen flashes* ‘Ctrl+Alt+Delete’. Seriously old piece of junk, can’t wait to get rid of you. Shit, no I’m only joking, I love ya *hugs computer* *kisses computer* *does other unmentionable acts so that computer loves me again* Anywho…I’m trying to finish my work over the stupid, bloody Christmas break. Ok, tht was not meant literally, like there isn’t any blood right now or anything, I didn’t kill anyone(not today, anyway…sorry I swear I didn’t know she was allergic). But I was trying to be a bit British there by using the word ‘bloody’ like they do that after every fourth word or something, right? Sorry if you’re British and you’re reading this…no hard feelings *please don’t make me eat veggiemite* (no wait, that’s Aussies) haha, sorry abut that too. Ok I’m getting like waaaaay off topic now. What the fuck was the topic, you ask? I don’t’ know…:( Oh yeah, now I remember, something about my work. Yeah so I’m trying to finish my work, and like it isn’t ‘working’. I’ve made at least 3 schedules in the past week and remodified (wtf this isn’t a word?!?! Fuck you spellcheck, I just made it a word. HAHA spellcheck isn’t even a Goddamn word. Like wtf, who made up these rules?!?!) them at least 5 times. Not to mention several mental schedules. I just can’t seem to sit my ass down and do the stupid work. Sure, msn wastes half my life, sure, music and downloading, the other half. But no, really, what’s the reason I can’t work efficiently? Is it because I’m in love? Nope. Stupid? Nope. Too many bathroom breaks? Nope. Lazy? Hell ye-ah!!:D no wait, hell no, hell no… Ahaha I don’t know what I’m even talking abut anymore, but whatever it is, it sure helps to write it all down. Otherwise I might’ve forgotten all of the important shit I’ve written above, and life as we know it would be like, totally, like over (imitating dumb brunette, that’s right. Not blonde, BRU-FUCKIN-NETTE!! Now don’t get me started on my next rant about how blonds are always made fun of and shit; like seriously, you can’t blame your hair color if you’re just oh-so-fuckin stupid. Like blame the stuff that’s like in your skull…umm brain something. Whatever it’s called, you get the point. Just stop making fun of stupid blondes. *plus they can’t help it if they’re stupid*) Ye, so I seem to have word vomit at the moment. You know, that thing where you can’t shut up, it keeps coming out and out until you run out of breath and eventually die? Well, yeah except in my case I won’t die…my hand will just get tired of typing and my brain will eventually stop its thoughts from spinning inside my head for such a long time, and then I’ll die;) Like seriously thank-god I started this journal thingy, otherwise my poor friends would have had to go through listening to all that shit that I’ve written here so far that doesn’t even make any sense AT ALL. HAHAHA. Aren’t you glad I started this blog, Robbie-boy (apparently ‘blog’ isn’t a word and I should replace it with blowjob?? Well, ok spellcheck, you’re the fuckin boss) *ironic, eh, how this is the only spelling mistake Iim going to correct* --Edited sentence-- Aren’t you glad I started this blowjob, Robbie-boy;) lmfao ok now that just sounds oh-so-very-very-very-wrong. Like wrong!! No offense Rob or anything, but like…yeah you get the picture. I’ll stop right there, cuz I have tons of perverted comments I could be making now. But since I respect y’all I won’t go there. HAHA, yeah right, I’m just too last to type them all. K later gotta do work (:O yay, I think I’m falling asleep. W00t" ok, this prolly doesn't make sense right now, but whatever, i dont feel like coming up with a new post, plus wouldn't want this one to go to waste ^o)...yeah, ok, byez
Read 2 comments
:) that was really interesting.

another job that involves alot of talking is a telemarketer... though i dont know why any one would activly seek that as a job...
lol, i actually did read the whole thing :) i dont tend to be to afraid of long entries... not to mention the fact i'm doing everything to fight going to sleep (if i got to sleep that means i have to wake up, then i have to do homework...)

i love that background to. my friend made it for me, i gues my old one was to boring hehe