34. Thought Patterns

Feeling: blah
How wierd is it that I think of my best friend more than I think of my bf? Is that wrong...probably. But it doesn't feel wrong.So I don't know what to think. It's not like I have perverted thoughts about my best friend, then again they're not completely innocent either. ;) Hmm, rereading that, I sound pretty gross, eh. Also I find myself missing my best friend more than I miss my bf. And wanting to call him more. I guess we just share more memories than my bf and I do. It'll pass over time. I think... The thing is, it doesn't bother me too much. But my conscience is telling me it should. So is Cerrine. And she's almost always right. Like right now, I want to call him, but I know he's probably going to be asleep. He likes me waking him up, but it prolly gets annoying after a bit. lol. Oh well I should do some school.
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33. Stress

Listening to: MCR-Dead!
Feeling: crushed
So much is going on right now. University next year, moving in with my bf, my parents and family are probably going to move away too. Its so stressful. Not to mention I'm taking another 3 courses this semester. I haven't even started any of that work yet. Then there's people pissing me off from every angle. Seriously, its like no one wants ot leave me alone. I haven't felt this overwhelemed since...summer or so. (yeah, i know, the funnest season in the year...don't ask) So I still haven't told him that I'm moving in with my bf. He's totally going to freak out. There's a lot more going on than I can write here, just in case he does read this. He thinks I need his protection or something. Or that I can't take care of myself or that I'm not capable of doing so. Hunni, I'm about twice your size, mentally and physically, and if anything were to happen, who better to deal with it than myself. It's not like you can do anything anyway, before so far away. *sigh* There's so much planning to do. And so much schoolwork to do. Everything is just so very very stressful. I just want to call you and lie down and talk for hours. That would make me feel a lot better. If only. :( Another headache starting up now. I need hardcore drugs...err--tyelnol or something, some strong coffee, and just to sit down and focus and finish all that needs to be done. I'm thinking I'm going to read a bit, and then start working.
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32. I'm So Tired of Caring

Feeling: hurt
It sucks when you care about people so much. You invest yourself in them way too much, and then you end up getting disappointed and hurt when they don’t reciprocate the same sort of caring towards you. It really does hurts. You know when you read about emotional pain, you think “yeah, that doesn’t really happen. It doesn’t hurt like how he’s describing” but then when you go through it yourself, you realize it does really physically hurt. Like…your chest feels heavy, you have trouble breathing, and your head just hurts. Is it really such a bad thing to want to know if you did leave, that people would miss you? The whole time you think you’ve got this great relationship going on with a couple of your friends, and you’d dead sure they’d miss you or ask about you if they hadn’t seen or spoken with you in a week. But then you come back, and no one’s really noticed. I'm so sick and tired of this. I love and care so much about you and you don't even notice. You don't care about me not even 10% as much as I do you. Its stupid to keep on loving someone like this. All this wasted care and emotion and shit. I wish I just didn't give a shit like you did. You know, if I could stop feeling this, I would. I'd rip out the part of me that does keep caring. So fucking stupid, really. You even tell me to stop caring. Why can't I? Goddamn it.
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31. Why

Why do i keep doing this? I know what people to stay away from, because they're not good for me; they hurt me. But why do I constantly keep going back to them and seek their approval for everything I do? What the heck is wrong with me? Why can't I just stay away from these people? Why do I feel drawn towards them and that I need to prove myself everytime I talk to, or am around them? They keep hurting me, yet I still come back. This is beyond stupid. I know what I should be doing but I don't do it. I know who I want to be with, but I don't make any effort to try and make that happen.
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30. Long time..

Feeling: blah
Well, so much for actually writin in this everyday, huh. Last I wrote was May? Damn. Whatever. I'm 18 now. Was my birthday on Sunday. Big whoop. No one even remembered. Not that I care. Maybe I kinda do, but what you gonna do about it? I'm only taking 5 courses this year. Behind like usual. who cares. So much shit happened the past while, I don't know where to start or even if I should. But I guess its better to tell a roomful of strangers my shit, than to write it in a hand-written diary and have your youngest brother read it and know all your secrets. That was fun. Not really. He now knows what kind of a perv his oldest sister is. Well, whatever. I mostly just wrote about this guy. Perverted stuff, sure. Stuff I regret now? Not really. Unless the guy I wrote about read it. Then that would be fucked. I'm not sure how I feel about anything right now. I just think of something, and all that comes to mind is "meh, whatever." My parents are getting mad that i'm being such a moody bitch. They don't see themselves. Everyone is moody. And what? you don't think I'm not sick of my moodiness too? I can't help it half the time. Not really sure what's wrong with me. I feel like shit a lot of the time. Expect when I'm talking to him, or listening to really loud music that drowns all the background noises/feelings/everythings. It sucks, and I wish I could understand why the fuck I'm like this. Wow. So much for not swearing. Whatever. I knew I'd fuck that up too. I want to sleep, or talk to Rob. He's not on. I shouldn't sleep though, thats all I've been doing the past few days. Sleeping and going for long meaningless walks. Even thats getting depressing. Whatever. Everything is a bunch of whatevers.
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29. Heh

Feeling: embarrassed
God. I actually told him I like him. I've been wanting to for the longest time. But I finally did today...at like 7 in the morning or something. It just came out before I could stop myself. God. I thought I'd feel relieved, calm, less emotionally tired. But instead I feel really shitty; drained; worried; and a mix of suicidal/depressed...heh, not fun, I'll tell ya that. You can't just tell one of your best friends that you like them..I don't know if I love him- but you can't just do that. It messes up the whole friendship cycle thing. Fuck, man. I'm not sure what to do now.
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Listening to: Nightwish- Nemo
Feeling: happy
I'm happy. There ya go, I said it. Haven't been using that word a lot lately, but tonight I am going to. Among things that make me happy, people are probably the biggest factor. Also along with eyeliner, doing things right, and doing things for people. And cart-wheeling. Ok, the point is, I'm happy right now. I'm not going to ruin it with coming up with some gay analogy or metaphor. It is what it is; happy. I made up with one of my friends who I was mad at for the longest time. I just realized that I misunderstood a lot of things and jumped to some conclusions, which I shouldn't have. But now it's good again. I think I can talk to him without feeling any of that shyness, holding back, or whatever it was that was there before. Also, I'm pretty sure I made a good friend tonight. He's one of the few people I can talk to easily, without having to hide what I mean or making things too obvious. It's really good. (I used it's really good a lot in this sentence. oh well) Even though I have a whole lot of shit to do for tomorrow (i.e. schoolwork) I'm not as worried as I was, because I'm pretty sure I can do it. I even think---dare I say it---‘confident’ that I'll get them done. :O I used that word…wow. Hmm. Last night was pretty cool. I think I found my motivational tool. I’m not going to say who or what it is (because I a very superstitious) and I don’t wanna jinx it. Let’s just hope it stay with me all the way until June, after exams. That’s all I can think of to write, right now. I just wanted to write down that ‘happy’ feeling…somehow capture it in words. Hmm, I doubt I did a good job, but oh well, its there. It’s written. Perhaps I’ll even start writing in this every day. I doubt it’ll happen right away, but maybe I’ll get back to being a faithful diary keeper. I’m going to email my dad, then I’m going to do some work. Night
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27. Back. Sort of.

Feeling: empty
So much for writing in this everyday, eh. I must have skipped a month and a few weeks, at least. I haven't felt like writing much lately. I don't know why. I keep getting these really low moods. Like really depressing, sad, and lonely. I just felt that I had to update sometime, I guess. Matt and I aren't talking. Not really. Its been a week. And he usually doesn't start convos unless I do. So I don't see me starting them anytime soon. We kind of got in a fight last Sunday, when we last spoke. He thinks I still like him. I do. Kind of. But I lied to him and said I didn't. I can't let him go on thinking I'm some loser chick who gets crushes on people she barely knows. It's not like I love him or something. I'll get it over it sometime. I think. Hopefully soon. It's annoying thinking about it, when I know he doesn't feel the same way. Its also embarrassing having him think that way. So I had to lie, and I can’t talk to him unless I get over it. Or unless he has the decency to start first. That's kind of the reason I stopped talking with him. We don't communicate the same way we used to. Most of it, I guess, is due to the fact that I still like him, and was stupid enough to admit it. Now I can't really talk with him the same way as I did before. And I guess he feels the same way about this awkward situation. Its sad, really. I used to be able to tell him things I've never told anyone my whole life. And now, I feel embarrassed saying any of these types of things to him. *sigh* Oh well… On another note, Rob's cool. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have him to talk to. I probably would have done something stupid to myself. He keeps me sane. And he helps lighten practically anything. You know when its all supposed to be serious, he just makes some sarcastic remark or says something funny, and everything seems so much brighter. He’s a really good person. I wish there were more people like him. Anyway, I came back from my trip to Germany about three weeks ago. Or something. I don’t even remember. The country itself is really beautiful. The people are really nice and friendly. But unfortunately, the people we were staying with weren’t as great. Our family. Disappointing, really. It’s the first time my siblings and me met one of our uncles and he acted like a jerk most of the time. The other uncle was just as bad, if not worse. Uncle #2, for some reason, enjoyed making fun of me and teasing me at every opportunity possible. So I just talked back. Gave him dirty stares. Rude remarks. That kind of made him shut up about certain things. But now he thinks I’m just some rude, spoiled Canadian girl. Lol. Up yours, fag ^_^ both uncles were very obsessed with television, like if the TV wasn’t on 24/7 they thought someone had died. No, literally. “why isn’t the TV on???” Anyway, before we left, I hid all the TV remotes. They won’t find them anytime soon. It was evil, but they shouldn’t watch so much TV. It’ll ruin their eyes *_* In other news, I signed up for another course. I started it yesterday. It’s not what I was expecting. Plus the workload, along with my other 8 courses is just too much now. So I’m dropping it tomorrow. It sucks, in a way, because I went through a lot of trouble with the principle and guidance counselor to get it added to my schedule. Now they’ll just think they were right the whole time, and I couldn’t handle it. If any one of you two is reading this. FUCK YOU. I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU THINK, BECAUSE I KNOW YOU TWO ARE SLEEPING TOGETHER. USE IT AGAINST ME, AND I’LL USE THIS AGAINST YOU, YOU NASTY OLD PERVERTED HAGS. Ok. I guess I should get working on my other course, which I still have not ocmpleted the assignment for, which was due 16 days ago…yeah, I’ll do that. Good night
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26. Today, and Only Today

Feeling: calm
So tomorrow we're leaving. It'll be for about two weeks, which should be a good break from everyday life's shit. I still have a few assignments left, but the school's website isn't working, so I can't work on them until its up and running again. Until then I'll pack up the rest of my stuff, do my nails, hair, etc, etc... I emailed him and he replied back. Turns out I over analyze things. That's what I thought too. But still, I know things won't be the same as they were a few months ago. Either this happened because of the email I sent him, or maybe one of us has changed, or even both of us. Whatever it is, things just aren't the same. On another note, Rob's not the insensitive jerkface I thought he was. turns out he only says the things he does because he's nt sure what else to say, and thats just the way he is. lol. It's good to finally understand what he's about. I guess I'm just procrastinating now. but I just wanted to update before I leave, because I probably won't be able to log on when I'm there. Back to work, I guess.
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25. Whatever This Is

Feeling: anxious
Well, so much for writing in this everyday, eh. Oh well, I've been pretty busy lately, doing schoolwork and shit. I just found out we're leaving on Wednesday, not Friday, as I have previously thought. Fuck. I really needed those two extra days. I'm pretty mcuh screwed. I still got to wash a bunch of clothes, iron them and pack them :S Not to mention all the other things I got to do before I leave... On other news, i finally got the courage to email him. Matt. I said most of what I wanted to, hopefully without sounding bitchy or demanding or something. I sure hope he doesn't take it that way. I told him about how I feel he's changed lately..and things aren't the same as they used to be. Also, otehr stuff happened lately, but I am not in the mood of writing it all out. I guess I coudl write about some of it. I had too much caffine the other night and I didn't end up sleeping (obviously) until 5 Pm the next day. And i was acting pretty hyper in classes and shit. i even asked my teacher if i could use profanity such as 'heck, hell, or another word for a donkey' in my writing. He said he'd 'close his eyes' when reading those parts. lol. I might use fuck, just to see what he says. No, only kidding. But if i did end up using that 'swear word' its because the poem originally had it when I wrote the poem. hehe. I guess I am just procrastinating right now. I emailed a bunch of people, including Arwa, Matt, and my dad (hes overseas on business for a while). So i better get back to all that fun work I have to do *_* buh bye
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24. Bend It Like Beckham

Listening to: Madonna-Sorry
Feeling: achy
I was just thinking. You know how people always say ‘remember the good ol’ days’ when everything was so much more easier? Well I just realized ‘today’ a few years from now are going to be the ‘good ol’ days’. Then what the fuck does that mean? It means that you better enjoy your ‘younger’ ‘older’ days while you’re living them, because from now on, life only gets harder, and usually that implies ‘not as fun’. So on the same note, I decided I am going to do just that. Enjoy the things here and now, and not waste a thing. Also, I am going to reevaluate (god, my career studies teacher would be so proud; I’m actually using this word in real life) myself, my life, and everything. Like for example a bunch of people who I thought were my friends turned out not to be who I thought they were. I never intentionally go out and pretend to be someone’s friend until someone better comes along and then just ditch the first person. No, I’m not like that. When I make friends, I try my best to keep good relations with them. Talk with them. Ask them what’s wrong. Help them whenever they ask; even when they don’t. And most of all, I open up to them. You see, that’s my problem. I open up and trust just about everyone. I know, it’ so naïve and stupid. Sometimes when I look back at certain situations, I literally kick myself for doing so. But the way I am, I cant help it, and I tend to trust the wrong people, and it sucks. That about sums it up. SUCKS. When you’ve trusted someone so much, believed in them; thought they’d help you whenever you needed it; would cheer you up whenever you’re down, (how ironic, ‘on the way down’ just started playing…. ‘you saved me from myself, I won’t forget the way you loved me…..i almost fell right through but I held on to you’). Ok this might not reflect exactly what I’m talking about, but its close. But that is how I felt with some people the past few months, except what the song fails to mention is that sometimes you trust the wrong people, and they hurt you. A LOT. There, I think that made my point quite well. Anyway, I don’t even know what brought this up, but I felt like I had to write it. On other news I watched Bend It Like Beckham yesterday. It was pretty funny. And throughout the movie what I kept thinking was ‘holy shit, that’s just like my parents, except mine are like ten times more overprotective, nauseating, etc.’ like the whole thing just kind of reflected how my family is. Lol. I found that pretty ironic. Oh yeah, except with my story, my ‘rents don’t let me go to the US to play professional soccer…yeah…. My ranting mood, for now, has subsided. Plus this song is really getting on my nerves. Later
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23. Fuckin Great

Feeling: listless
I was looking through all the work I got to do for my courses, and boy its a heck of a lot of shit to do. I made a list so that I'd be able to cross things off once they're done. Turns out there are 65 items on the list. All due in 10 days or less. Fuck. It's not that I slacked off and didn't do my work on time and I'm doing it all in the last minute, but my mom wants me to finish early because of this trip she booked for all of us. It's in Germany, and should be really fun. Now tha hard part is finising all this shit work in the next 10 days or so *_* I was talking with one of my friends last night, and she was pretty upset about her friend ditching her, and treating her like shit. Well, she said something really hurtful to me; but I don't know if I should take it to heart considering she was in a pissed off mood anyways. We've been friends since October this year, and I consider her one of my closest friends. She's like 'I'm just going to be an antisocial person. What do you need friends for anyway' I told her just to stick to online friends and one or two boyfriends. Then she said, 'Well, we only know each other online. No offense or anything' =( And here I was thinking we were good friends. She even told me so at least half a dozen times. She apologized afterwards, but I'm not sure if she really meant it or not. *sigh* good friends are so hard to find nowadays... Matt's been acting strange since the last time we spoke. I don't know, maybe he's just changed, and doesn't want to know me anymore...that'd be really sad if it were the case. Me n him were pretty good friends in November and December. I don't know why he's avoiding me now. We don't have the long convos we used to have. And he doesn't speak to me as though he respects me anymore. On other positive news, Rob's pretty cool. And no, I'm not saying this because you may possibly read it:P but really, he's a cool person. I know his sarcastic comments sometimes go overboard or w.e, but I know he doesn't mean them. It used to bother me, but he apologized enough times for me to know he was only kidding:P Last night was pretty cool. Or should I say this morning (1:00am-4:00am [about]) I won't write down why it was cool, or perhaps I will in a private entry, but yeah...(Rob knows what I'm talking about:P )...and no its not something perverted in case any of you are thinking that. lol Well, I'm doing homework right now. School sucks. W.E I should stop bitchin and finish workin. Yes, that's what I'll do. Later
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22. Don't Bother

Feeling: broken
well i finally told him i like him, or use to have a crush on him, anyways. He already knew; I kind of made it obvious on purpose so he'd know. He's glad I told him, but he doesn't feel the same way and blah blah. I had to pretend like it was a crush that I'd gotten over, when really I haven't. I still like him very much. But he's my friend, and he's just not interested. I wish he liked me back, though. It feels nice to be liked sometimes, you know? I'm sure anyone who reads this can relate on some level. Anyways its over. the reality of it is I was hoping for something that was based on a dream, not reality. I thought maybe if I talked to him long enough, he may start to like me too. But the reality of the fact is, that's not how it works. He seems to think he hurt me, and he even admitted ignoring me lately because he doesn't want me to get the wrong impression. Maybe I was blind or something. Well, not really I knew he didn't like me THAT way, but still its nice to think about. So after this chat with him today, I felt relieved, but at the same time really hurt. Not that he did anything. But I put myself in a situation I knew would never work out, and I KNEW he could never like me the way I did him. It's like everything is final, now, you know? I can't change it, obviously, and I won't push anything more, and put our friendship in danger. I really like him, but more than that I respect him. He's taught me so much about myself and others, its amazing really. I never knew so many things; heck I thought I was an expert on relationships. Turns out I was very wrong, and well, yeah... I know I shouldn't complain about it. Nothing's really changed. I just honestly admitted how I felt about him, but it still feels strange. Foreign. I kind of feel the same way when I found out whats-his-face was cheating on me. But w.e that's the past, and soon this will be too. It's stupid, really, because he never even liked me to begin with. I'm talking about this guy (the one the whole entry's been about, not the other loser) But now I got to be self concious of what I say around him. I got to keep my flirty comments to myself, and most of all I got to respect what he said. It wouldn't be fair to him or me to act otherwise. He's an awesome friend, afterall. I wouldn't jeopordize that for anything now, and I never will. I'd even go as far to say he's my best friend. Well I got about 3 best friends, but he's a bit more special to me. He knows everything about me. And he knows how to help me when I need him. I just got to stop thinking about it, and get on with everything; including keeping our relationship intact (the way it is now). Ok, I'm glad I finally wrote that all down. It's kind of been bugging me the whole day, and writing it out helps a lot. Sorry if I bored you, but frankly I don't give a fuck. It's my diary, and if you chose to read it...too bad. night
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21. blankk

Listening to: Alicia Keys- Karma
Feeling: broken
I feel numb; sad absolutely useless right now i have lots of things swimming around my head but i can't think of them well they just keep swimming they don't even want to come up for air it's stupid, really I'm not even sure why I'm sad w.e maybe I'll write about what happened today, later on. maybe not. Depends if I'm still feelin shitty or not. later
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20. Done

Feeling: accomplished
Man I suck. So much for writing in this diary everyday, eh. Oh well, I actually have a good excuse for not updating the past two days or so. Well, my final final deadline is supposed to be today, meaning if I don’t finish my work, I will get kicked out of my courses, fo shizzle. Not just some warning thing or whatever this time; it’s the real deal. Anyways so that’s what I was doing the past few days. Catching up on all my work for the past month. Yep, a month’s work of assignments completed in three days or less. It was obviously very tiring, and of course, time consuming. But, after long hours of no sleep, using coffee as my life crutch, and so on, I’ve completed everything I should. And all of it about 20 minutes before the exact time of the deadline ^_^ haha. I bet a bunch of my teachers were waiting by their desks, eagerly awaiting 9:00 am and checking their emails frantically to see if I’ve finished or not. Boy, will they ever be surprised when they open their inboxes today. HA HA HA. Kind of pathetic, seeing as I was supposed to have these in four days ago. But I feel very accomplished; light headed (from no sleep, possibly); and freeee. Well, at least for today. I think I’m going to take the rest of the day off. Clean up my room (yes, its back to the state it was in, a week ago). Maybe I’ll even read a book or something…haha I pity anyone who has to work today. I just feel so great to finally get it all off my shoulders, literally. My head is spinning a lot, but that’s ok, I’m done. The hard part is over (at least that’s what I keep telling myself). Oh yeah, I still have to wait for my marks *_* now that’s going to be fuuuun. Yeah, right. Anyways, my back hurts a lot (from spending three hours or so on cooking; for a school assignment [I’m taking cooking class. Yes, at home ^_^ ) This chapter consisted of Jewish cuisine. Potato latkes and an Eggplant dish. But the annoying thing was taking pictures half way through cooking, and taking pictures of myself while cooking. That was thoroughly frustrating; seeing as my sister couldn’t get the right angle at the first try. Oh yeah, half way through I smelt something burning, but luckily it was only the oil, not any of my clothing or anything like that ^_^ [that was a relief]. Ok, I’m just blabbing on and on right now. My shoulders are killing me, and I still have to clean up my room, the kitchen which looks lovely after I was done with it; and take a shower; and then sleeeeep. Maybe I’ll read before I sleep. I dunno, maybe. Later. P.S :O I didn’t swear….omg, I think I’m cured.
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19. W.E

Listening to: nothing :O
Feeling: bizarre
there's stuff to write about today, just don't feel like doing much writing...maybe I'll write about it all tomorrow. later
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18. OMFG (gosh, not God, btw)

Listening to: Tatu- All About Us
Feeling: high
ok...didn't finish everything yet (assignments and shit) and its 6:44 am. Hmm...looks like I'll be getting kicked out soon, or I could just BS my way through it all. The caffine seems to be working now...6 cups ^_^ (in a row) w00t. i LOVE caffine. Coffee, tea, w.e hahaha. Although when I stand up everything around me spins like five times, and its getting harder to breathe for some reason ^o) anywho, my head's all light and nauseous its great. I feeel so high. But unfortunately this feeling only lasts for a few hours, and then I'm fucked upf or the rest of the day and some of tomorrow. It sometimes gets to the point where I can't stand up, eat, think, even go to the washroom...just lie down for hours staring into nothing. It's a very strange feeling. I feel depressed when I'm like that. But for now, Its all good, because i am super hyper, its great ^_^ hahahahaha peace out lovely byotches
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17. Cookies for Robbie

Feeling: stubborn
Not much to write up now. It's 2:18am, and I am finishing up some stupid homework which is due in 7 hours or so. (If i don't finish in time, I'll get kicked out of my courses *_* )Yet here I am updating, when there is nothing to update about, really. Hmm, oh yeah, made cookies today. Chocolate chip...I'd send some over to you Rob, but my brothers ate about half of them,(they were supposed to be for Eid) and yeah...hmm...if you're nice I may bake you some another time:P (only if you're nice though, which isn't a big possibility, so no worries here ^_^ ) Did I mention I'm screwed? (work-wise that is). If not, well now you know. I AM SO FUCKIN SCREWED (aww, and I thought there wouldn't be any swearing in this entry..oh well) ok, I should focus...back to work -_- Night
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16. Perfect

Feeling: accomplished
yay. I finished cleaning up my room after weeks of procrastination. (or was it months? I am not too sure, actually) Anyways the point is its done, clean, and PERFECT. haha, as you can probably tell I am a bit (too?) excited about my room being all organzied and set up the wya I want it to be. The TV angles at the right direction. The mirror sparkling clean. The bed sheets changed. Everything dusted; the floor sweeped. I love it when my rooms like this. It's a good feeling. an belive it or not, I cant actually think better, well focus better when my surroundings are all nice and neat. hahahaha (ok i feel like a maniac right now, but yeah...organized rooms are cool ^_^) No, seriously try it. Completely clean out your room, and even move around your furniture and see what it does to your mood. I don't know, for me I can't stand looking at the same furniture setting for more than a month. I guess I'm strange, but it depresses me when everything stays the same. Anyway enough abut my room. (only took 2 hours, btw, not the estimated 3 hours +) ^_^ I'm doing homework right now. Science...fuun(not really, but I got to finish it) Later
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15. Congrats Ru ^_^, Luv ya dearie

Listening to: Nas- Warrior Song
Feeling: blah
Ok well I forgot to update yesterday. Broke my promise to myself, yet again. Well I was feeling quite tired, so decided to ditch the list of shit I had to do and went to sleep instead ^_^. Now I am really really screwed. Haha. Anyways I guess I’ll write two entries today since I skipped yesterday, this one will only be brief though. I woke up around 8:30 am (pretty damn early for me -_-) and spent at least two hours doing my hair. Holy shit, it was so tiring. Lol. I didn’t think I’d ever get it done; twas a grand moment when I finally did finish. It looked pretty good, I guess. Anyways, I was out most of the day, just came home right now (6:30PM). My friend had an engagement party. I’m really happy for her. She’s been engaged at least three times before, but this one finally worked out ^_^ . Her hubby’s pretty hott. Haha, yeah checking out my friend’s hubby, eh;) Anyway my room has never looked this bad since I can’t even remember. It’s really messy. A bunch of clothes are piled up n top of my bed and when I go to sleep I just pile them beside my pillow. There’s a bunch of clothes on the floor too. Not to mention the pile on top of the TV. Haha, I just wear my clothes and don’t feel like hanging them afterwards, so yeah…it looks like shit. Oh yeah, and a bunch of papers and binders in one corner of the room. Yeah, I really should get it cleaned up sometime soon; specifically tonight. Haha. It’s going to be Eid (my religion’s celebration, comparable to Christmas) this Wednesday, so the house should be spick and span by then. Oh brother, it’s going to take at least 3 hours to get my room perfect again…I should start now, eh -_- On that note, I guess I’ll get started…lol watch me procrastinate until Tuesday night ^_^. Hehe that’s probably going to happen anyways… Later (I hope I remember to write again tonight…maybe not though, there probably won’t be much to talk about anyways, seeing as its already 6:47)
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