
Feeling: hungry
OMG MY CONCERT WAS LAST NIGHT...he was effing amazing. I honestly don't think he hit a sour note all night!! he was just...amazing. There really are no words to describe it. He's an extraordinary singer. He did a medley of songs from the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, MOAM songs, full songs of Mandy, Sailing, Solitaire, Invisible, Back for more, 1000 days, When Doves Cry and I think a few more that I can not recall right off of the top of my head. I loved his 90's medley, including Iris [The GooGoo Dolls], La Vida Loca [Ricky Martin] {which I salsa danced to, by the way}...and some more, Solitaire and When Doves Cry were definetly highlights! The extra long glory note in Solitaire, gah it was amazing. It made me cry. It gave me chills. I ended up screaming so much that I lost my voice yesterday night and today it keep flickering in and out. Like, It'll be fine but then it will go raspy. That's what I consider a sucessful concert. What was also hot was between the slow ballad intro to "When Doves Cry" and the rockish part, he ripped off his Chiorboy robe and revealed a sexy denim vest and ripped jeans. *drools*. He moved around more this year. He danced! It's good, he looks so great dancing. He also played piano for "Love me Tender", which was great. He also learned how to do Elvis's knee movement correctly. Which I guess is a must if you're singing Elvis songs. heh. He gets better every time I hear him. I personally can't wait untill his new cd comes out. I also plan on making a cd of the Jukebox tour [what i saw] as I have done for Independent, American Idol, tried for Solo and Joyful Noise but was unsuccessful. Actually, I could probobly try doing Joyful Noise again. Off to do it I go. Heh. I got a bracelet, a shirt, a program and poster. The shirt's cute, it's an Andy Warholish design on the front [of Clay] and on the back the Tour Dates.
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I went to his concert in New Hampshire last year and I'm going again on the 27th.
Where did you go?