Listening to: Yellowcard-Inside Out
Feeling: confuzzled
I went to katie's birthday party today. It was soo much fun!! :) we went bowling and played LAZER TAGGGG.....that rocked so much. We ate yummy cake....and i got 244 tickets at the arcade. I decided that i wanted bouncy balls as a prize. a bouncy ball is 5 tickets. 244/5 =48, rounded=49. I now have 49 green swirly bouncy balls in my purse. What I shall do with them, I do not know. Does anyone have any idea on what to do with 49 bouncy balls? Actully, to correct myself, 48 bouncy balls, since I gave one of my bouncy balls to Katie. The bouncy balls are really cute. :) I heart the bouncy balls and their bouncy goodness. I'm kind of confused right now...i'm still thinking about something someone said a while back. Wondering if it's true. Wondering, wondering, but never, ever knowing... anyway. i thought i would share the following story with you. For some reason it meant alot to me. I don't know why. At Mr. Z's today there was a stockboy singing as he stocked frozen pizza into the ice box. He really had an excellent voice. I told him so, and he smiled. I don't know why, but seeing that complete stranger smile, because of me, really made me very happy.
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