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Feeling: groggy
heres my past two days- I hate zits! i have like, 10 on my face! you could read braile! hey anyone here blind? oh, silly rabbit! if you were blind you wouldbt be reading this. but i should stand in front of a bathroom sign and have some blind guy rub my knowing my luck itll say something profane, and ill get hit by an old mans cane. jenn came over and we watched centerstage, fought with the asshole.. tomorrow im going to jessies to sleep over and then Dorney Park and WildWater Kingdom! and i wanna go to the library! Im gonnna get M. Knight Shamylan books and Steven King books. You might know who M. Knight Shamylan is from the Gibson movie, Signs, and the upcoming "The villiage". Steven King, well everyone knows him, but the latest movie was Secret Window, staring Johnny Depp. The book was Secret Window, Secret Garden. Johnny depp looks really hot as a blonde. hes the second hottest person on earth..only second to clay aiken of course. Its is sad though, to see Johnny, (Mort Rainey) nursing a case of divorce-induced depression. but i dont wanna give away the entire plot... teehee.. ttyl
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aww I'm sorry- I'm all zitty too bc my period is coming soon.