Strong to Deliver, Mighty to Save

Feeling: infuriated
I'm so sick of moving and cleaning. That's all I've done in the evenings these past 2 weeks. I'm so close to being done least at my house. Kelsi needs to come get her stuff...And we need to drop off our keys and such at the realtors... I'm all moved in at my parents''s nice to be home...and see Pete and Sarah more. I love my siblings. Steve's apartment.....oh man, everything is just sitting in boxes ALL over the I'm hoping this Saturday I can go over there and start putting stuff in it's place. But Friday night is Steve's and my night...I'm making him a delicious dinner with wine and dessert and then we'll sit and cuddle on the couch, watching a movie...Now, I'm looking forward to THAT! :) Back to work. Peace out.
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Hey Becca,
Just wanted to say Hi, and tell you and Steve congrats. I thought you two would kick it off! :) I still drop news on my page from time to time so if your ever curios whats going on in cali, my page is 2fast4u. God bless!
Dan P.
Well I know that you will come visit me wherever I move to, right?!? Besides there are only like four people who care if I move far away.