To You

Listening to: Michael Buble
Feeling: grounded
My selfishness really just overwhelms me. Christ is the most unselfish person that ever lived, and I am called to be like Him, and yet I KNOWINGLY do the exact opposite and whine and complain for what I want. I live in this little world that I think just revolves around me. God wants me to come back to the foot of the cross and realize the depth of my sin, and to an extent, I am seeing it more and more. But I know there is so much more sin in my life. I think God is definitely showing His mercy and holding back just completely freaking me out. If all my sin were revealed to me right now, I'd probably just want to crawl up in a hole and die. So, with what He's showing me now, I want to DO something about it. I need to really BE in the Word, not read it for the sake of checking it off my list or just not doing it at all. I need to pour my heart out to Christ and ask for strength and mercy. I need to open up to Steve more and be willing to share my weaknesses, my failures, me thoughts, everything. How can he keep me accountable if I just bottle it up inside?
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