
Sweet summertime. I've only really hung out with Brittany. Then Damien once, kinda twice but idk Justine once Nick once. Yeahhh. Fun I'm going to be a model in a fashion show on July 28th. It should be fun. This sitdiary of mine is so damn depressing. Oh well. I don't find myself writing in it too terribly much anymore. I'm starting to realize things are starting to seem kind of hopeless...as far as holding on. I don't think anything's ever going to change. Time goes on.. I might have a teensy attraction to this boy. He'll be a senior next year. I don't even know why I like him...it's odd. He seems really sweet, and he doesn't do shit that I can't stand, that most people I hang around with do...I guess. heh. So my mom's boyfriend's son moved in with us. He took my bedroom. He's 17. He wants to take me to rock shows and stuff. That's cool, I guess. We're suppposed to go camping in two weeks. My mom invited Brittany and he's bringing some of his friends. I told her that that would be a bad idea. But she doesn't realize... Speaking of I'm kinda getting annoyed at how easily I can be thrown aside. I mean...even though we know we don't 'like' each other, don't go and try to get down my best friend's pants. It kinda makes me mad. :shrugs:
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